Dear Family, Friends & Gracious Supporters,
As it is for many people who volunteer and commit themselves to a cause, it stems from a personal story.
Our daughter Jenny, lost her daughter Grace on June 3, 2012 due to the sudden onset of HELLP Syndrome, which is a severe and life threatening form of preeclampsia. From that moment our families journey and heartfelt desire to get involved and make a difference began.
In memory of our granddaughter Grace, Grace’s Imprint was founded in 2013.
In the last four years, our, Grace’s Imprint Golf Tournament and Dinner has raised an incredible $80,069.90. With the funds raised, it enabled us to pay for legal fees to file with the CRA for charitable status for Preeclampsia Foundation Canada, of which we succeeded in May 2015. The remaining money was given to Preeclampsia Foundation Canada.
None of this could have been possible without the generosity of so many: family, friends, volunteers, the local community, Canada-wide companies, corporations and of course our golfers and dinner guests that support us every year.
Preeclampsia Foundation Canada is a non-profit charity, whose mission is to reduce maternal and infant illness and death due to preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy through patient education, public awareness and research.
In September 2016 it was announced that Preeclampsia Foundation Canada awarded two research vision grants, each $20,000 to Dr. Brian Cox and Dr. Stephen Renaud. According to the World Health Organization, preeclampsia is one of the least funded areas of research.
Our 5th Annual Grace’s Imprint Golf Tournament and Dinner will be held on June 17, 2017.
We look forward to your continued generous support in 2017. Let’s all take part in making a life changing difference for expectant mothers and their babies.
Together making an impact.
Our heartfelt gratitude,
Violet & Zdenko Mateljan